Bandwidth vs Speed

One of my friend was having a difficult time understanding these 2 terms and was interchangeably using the words speed and bandwidth to mean the same thing where in fact speed and bandwidth are 2 different things. So I decided to write this post and make things clear :) Bandwidth IS NOT Speed Speed is generally used by consumers to refer to how fast they can download files and upload files. Bandwidth Broadband Internet packages are sold based on their bandwidth, or the size of the "Internet pipe" that is allocated to each user. This number refers to the capacity of the "last mile" connection that connects your home to the nearest aggregation point. In other words, it is the maximum throughput that the user can get on his broadband service. Does higher bandwidth give you faster speed? The analogy of driving on the motorway will help you to understand bandwidth and speed. Imagine that you're driving on a road with 4 lanes in a car t...